Alan Howe
University of Bath Spa, UK
This MESHGuide builds on the findings from the Teacher Assessment in Primary Science(TAPS) project. The focus of the TAPS project (September 2013 to July 2016) has been the development of a solution to teacher assessment in science to meet the requirements of the revised national curriculum in England and to define ‘best practice’ across the UK and internationally.
The references cited here are to major studies carried out over a number of years. The TAPs research sample is 12 schools plus 38 commenting on the research from the 12. The schools are all located in the west of England. We would be interested in knowing if teachers find the findings and advice useful in their own context. Please email comments to
Transferability – 3/4
The editors give this Guide a 3/4 rating.
Translational Research- levels used for MESHGuides
With thanks to Professor James O’Meara, President, International Council on Education for Teaching (
—T1 – Local findings that have not been formally tested outside the area in which the research was undertaken.
—T2 – Local findings that editors consider will easily translate to comparable settings in the same/similar region(s)
—T3 Local findings that translate to a comparable setting in another international region
—T4 Local findings that translate to a comparable settings (3 or more) in one or more international regions
Source : May 9th 2013 Minutes MESH Chief Ed. Group.
UK authors may find it useful to know that the rating system is similar to that used in the 2008 university research assessment exercise with level three and four clearly demonstrating international relevance.
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