Early Childhood Education / Early Years (Including emergency settings)


This Guide is a result of the collective effort of more than 20 educators from a range of countries.



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Abstract / Introduction

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Full document
Strength of Evidence

This Guide draws on research from many disciplines and the references give an indication of these.

It is the view of the Early Years Editorial Board that the evidence underpinning the advice in this guide is 4* i.e. strong, unless it is otherwise indicated.

Transferability across countries and settings

It is the view of the Early Years Editorial Board that the principles underpinning the advice presented here e.g. ensure the children learn counting songs, and songs naming things around them, apply across settings.  However, each community will need to review the songs, rhymes, games commonly used with children in the community and develop new ones where these are seen to be advantageous to the children’s development. For example, nursery rhymes often refer to items available in the community at the time of writing but such things change over time and in the case of displaced communities new objects may need to be incorporated. New songs can explain to children why changes have happened and how to be strong when faced with adversity.

Video recording capabilities of smart phones can be used to capture these new songs, rhymes and games and the USTAD technology allows for sharing of files between phones without wifi being necessary.

Date of publication
23 Apr 2018
Date of revision
10 Feb 2025
Online community link

The general link for the MESH online communities is https://www.khub.net/mesh. Join the MESH Open Door community there to be kept in touch.